Air Quality Life Index

Design System · Web Design

My Role

I was the lead designer for the information architecture and visual design for the new website.


An online tool that shows the effects of air polution on human life span.

Agency: Constructive 


Project Overview

Throughout history, countries all over the world have experienced intense air pollution during periods of rapid industrialization. These countries have largely been successful in confronting their pollution challenge thanks to a demand for change from their citizens and subsequent strong policies. The AQLI provides a metric to determine the benefits of these policies in terms of extended lives.


More than one way to explore the data

People can view country and region date throughout 1998-2018 on a map or graph view. Every country has interactive charts ranking pollution across region and where the country places on the global ranking.

All the data can be publically downloaded through a .csv file.



It was crucial to make a fully functional mobile experience of the interactive map because more people around the globe access the internet through their phones than on a desktop today. I didn't want to sacrifice any map functionality because it would diminish the story the data is telling. 

The AQLI is completely translated into English, Mandarin, and Hindi

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